Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sharkkara Varatti/Sharkkara Upperi


  • Raw banana-1
  • Jaggery/Sharkkara-1/2 cup
  • Cumin seed-2 tspoon
  • Cardamom-2 tspoon
  • Sugar(optional)-1 tbl spoon
  • Oil to deep fry


(1) In a mixer grind cumin seed,cardamom and make a fine powder. Keep it aside.
(2) Peel the skin of banana and cut into small cubes approximately 1 inch length.
(3) Heat oil in a pan. In low to medium flame deep fry the banana slices. Fry it till it is crispy and golden color ( Tip:you can check it by crushing one piece. If it is soft cook till it turns crispy. It will take 20 to 30 minutes). Keep it aside.
(4) Heat a bottomed pan and add jaggery with little amount of water. Stir it. Now Jaggery will starts melting. Stir till it completely melts. Strain it if jaggery has any impurities. Reheat the jaggery solution. Keep on stirring till the consistency reaches thick(Tip: You can check the consistency level by adding one drop of solution in cold water. If it didn't dissolve in water your solution is perfect else continue stirring).
(5) In low to medium heat add the fried banana pieces into the jaggery solution. Mix well and stir it. Keep on stirring. Add two tspoon of grinded cumin and cardamom powder in between.  Continue till all sides are perfectly coated with jaggery.
(6) Switch off the flame and allow it to cool. Once it is cooled garnish it with sugar. that is sprinkle sugar and mix well. Your Sarkkara Varatti is ready. Have it with your sadya:)


  • Thoroughly peel the skin of banana else the color will be dark during frying. Fry till crispy.
  • Add small amount of water to jaggery for melting.
  • Stirring of jaggary with banana slice is bit difficult.  Make sure the solution to be in correct consistency. If jaggery is not coating to the pieces add 1 table spoon of rice powder to it and stir well.

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